Ukraine, due to its natural and climatic conditions, is one of the best places to grow fruit. That is why in 2016 SANOTREE LLC (SanoTree™) was founded here. "Sano Tree" from Latin means "Healthy tree", and this is the mission of our company.
Our aim is to provide fruit growers with apple trees of modern high-yielding varieties that meet world standards and requirements of intensive cultivation technologies.
The partner of SANOTRI LLC is the German company Lodder Unterlagen GmbH, in cooperation with which our specialists, using world experience, ensure the European quality of apple trees, grown in Ukraine.
The modern intensive horticulture is based on rapidly fruiting varieties on dwarf rootstocks with minimal costs for maintenance and harvesting. For apple trees these are orchards on M9 rootstock, 2 y.o. trees with an annual crown (the so-called “knip baum” - a “flowering tree”).
The apple trees grown by SANOTREE LLC pass all stages of pre-sale preparation:
• sorting (by size and number of branches)
• packing (10 pieces, the rootstock is wrapped with a film to avoid damage and drying, the upper part is wrapped with a special net to protect the branches)
• marking (special labels with the logo and indication of the variety).
SANOTREE LLC offers the following varieties of apples:
• Gala Schniga
• Gala Schniga SchniCo red
• Gala Schniga® Schnitzer(S)
• Galaxy
• Golden Deloicious Smoothee®
• Golden Reinders ®
• Granny Smith®
• Pinova ®
• Redchief Camspur®
The modern intensive horticulture is based on rapidly fruiting varieties on dwarf rootstocks with minimal costs for maintenance and harvesting. For apple trees these are orchards on M9 rootstock, 2 y.o. trees with an annual crown (the so-called “knip baum” - a “flowering tree”).
The apple trees grown by SANOTREE LLC pass all stages of pre-sale preparation:
• sorting (by size and number of branches)
• packing (10 pieces, the rootstock is wrapped with a film to avoid damage and drying, the upper part is wrapped with a special net to protect the branches)
• marking (special labels with the logo and indication of the variety).