
Golden Reinders®

ORIGIN: Clone of Golden Delicious, the Netherlands.

red-aplle FRUIT

Colour: yellowish-green.
Flavour: sweet-sour balance of taste.
Shape/size: rounded-conical / middle-sized to big.
Skin: smooth surface with light lentils, susceptible to russetting.
Fruit flesh: crunchy, juicy and flavoured.

red-list TREE

Vigour: medium.
Blossom: later than Golden Delicious.
Pollination: Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Reine des reinettes, Cox, Idared, Red Pippin, Malus INRA® Perpetu® Evereste, Malus Golden Gem, Malus INRA® Baugene®.


• High yield
• Fast fruiting
• Less-prone to biennial bearing
• Chemical thinning is effective
• Susceptible to scab
• Medium tolerant to powdery mildew
• Less-prone to nectria